1. Is Animal Clinic of Milford open? What are their hours? Can I schedule an appointment on-line?
Hours of the Animal Clinic of Milford are Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm and Saturday 8am – 2pm. If you are experiencing an emergency, your pet is a priority. Appointments can be made online through our website or by calling us 203-882-8311
2. Is there a veterinarian who sees emergencies in Milford, West Haven, and Orange (CT)?
If your pet is having an emergency, please call us and or bring them to clinic immediately. In an emergency, there is no delay in care. We prioritize emergency cases and we will make sure your pet is seen right away.
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3. Is there a veterinarian near me who has payment plans in Milford, West Haven, and Orange (CT)?
The Animal Clinic of Milford offers three type of payment plans though Scratch Pay, Wells Fargo, and Care Credit. Our staff can help you apply for these lines of credit or use the links on our website.
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4. Is there a veterinarian near me who does low cost vaccines, spay and neuters in Milford, West Haven, and Orange (CT)?
The Animal Clinic of Milford is here to help budget for your pet’s care. We offer the VAX4Life program that gives your pet free core vaccines for life and the Good Start program that offer huge cost savings with vaccines and spay and neuters.
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5. Which is the best veterinarian in Milford?
The Animal Clinic of Milford by far is the only choice! We offer vaccines for life for your pet, the Good Start cost savings for puppies and kittens, ultrasounds, xrays, emergency care, perform a range of surgeries, and give the care and compassion you deserve from a highly trained staff.