Animal Clinic of Milford:
We Treat Your Pet Like the Valued Family Member They Are

Our Veterinarians

Dr. Sasha Golovyan

1. What inspired you to become a veterinarian? As long as my parents can remember I had wanted to be a veterinarian. There was never a different career path I was willing to pursue. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and we moved here in 1990 when I was 9 years old. My parents had to endure the countless abandoned animals I had brought home to rehabilitate, and some to keep.

2. Do you have any brothers and sisters? I have a twin brother and an older sister.

3. What is the most exotic Animal you have treated? A chameleon, not to be out doneby a pigeon, chicken, or a recent seagull that was brought in.

4. Where did you earn your Bachelors? I graduated from University of Connecticut in 2003.

5. Where did you earn your Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine? Tom and I graduated from University of Minnesota in 2008. I guess you could say we were veterinary school sweethearts.

6. What did you do before you ended up at Animal Clinic of Milford? After veterinary school I completed an intensive rotatingmedicine andsurgical internship at VCA Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center in Norwalk and Shoreline in Shelton CT. After this I worked for 6 years at a referral hospital, where I did general practice andemergencymedicine.

7. What do you love the most about veterinary medicine? I know the close bond that ownersshare with their pets. I find it very rewarding to help animals and in turn see the happiness these animals bring to their families.

8. What kind of animals do you own? Our inside animals include an English Setter “Beem, Yellow Labrador “Brinkley”, Chihuahua named Monty, our cat Finn, and 2 hamsters. Our outdoor critters include a menagerie of chickens, 2 miniature horses, a rabbit, and 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats.

9. What do you do for fun? For fun I love just being with my family. We have 2 girls, Julia and Annabel who keep us very busy. On weekends you may find us at Cape cod, petting zoos, home with our animals, or doing outdoor activities like biking.

Dr. Thomas Maley

1. What inspired you to become a Veterinarian?Being a veterinarian is actually a second career for me. Prior to entering veterinary school I was a real estate agent and I taught technology education to high school children. So how did I chose the veterinary field…..I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian since I was a small child and watched my dad raise and show Springer Spaniels, but like many children I did not pursue my dream. After being in a different career I knew that it was not for me, and at the age of 36 I applied and got into veterinary school. I met my wife Sasha during our first year of veterinary school together.

2. What is the most exotic animal you have treated? A leopard gecko

3. Where did you earn your Bachelor’s degree? University of Wisconsin-Stout

4. Where did you go to veterinary school? I graduated University of Minnesota in 2008

5. Where did you grow up and what kind of animals did you have growing up? I was born and raised in Minneapolis Minnesota. We had all kinds of animals growing up including springer spaniels, rabbits, cats, and ducks.

6. What brought you to CT? My wife Sasha is from Orange CT, I guess you could say I moved here for love.

7. What did you do before you ended up at Animal Clinic of Milford? I worked at multiple different hospitals including Banfield in Norwalk, VCA in Danbury, and East Hartford VCA.

8. What do you do for fun? I enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities including fishing, boating, and sailing.

9. What do you love the most about veterinary medicine? I love being able to help sick pets as well as prevent illness and practice goodwellness care. I love seeing the happiness pets bring to their owners.

Dr. Jordan Kaplan

1. Where did you go to school? I graduated from Goucher College with a B.A in Biology in 2017 and graduated from Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

2. What inspired you to become a veterinarian? I have loved animals for as long as I can remember, whether it was bringing home stray animals and wildlife in need, watching almost exclusively Animal Planet on TV, or collecting animal encyclopedias as birthday presents. Between my love for animals and my desire to help others, becoming a veterinarian was the natural choice.

3. What do you love and find exciting? My favorite thing about being a veterinarian is making connections with pets and their owners and getting to help them through all stages of life and all of the ups and downs along the way.

4. What do you do for fun? I enjoy training and hiking with my dog, as well as reading and even a little bit of writing when I find the time or inspiration.

5. What kinds of animals do you have at home? I have an American Bully dog named Quinn, a one-eyed Western Hognose snake named Pocket, and a three-legged Bearded Dragon named Hiccup.

Dr. Sofia Fallas Paniagua

1. Where did you go to school? I graduated from the National University of Costa Rica in 2012. I obtained my license to practice in Connecticut through AVMA’s Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates in 2021.

2. Where did you grow up and what was it like? I was born and raised in San José, Costa Rica. My primary language is Spanish. I come from a big extended family and we’ve always been close, like the family in Disney’s Encanto. No magic powers, though.

3. What kind of animals did you have growing up? I had cats, rabbits, dogs, and chickens growing up.

4. What do you love and find exciting about being a veterinarian? Interacting with my patients and their families and being part of creating healthy bonds and habits. I also love performing prophylactic surgery, like spays, neuters, gastropexies, nares repairs, etc.

5. What do you do for fun? I love spending time in nature, hiking, birdwatching, going to the beach, etc. I particularly love escaping the Northeast winter and vacationing in Costa Rica. I love visiting its volcanoes, hot springs, waterfalls and national parks, especially the ones with the most monkeys and sloths.



1. What is your primary role at ACM? Front Desk Supervisor

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? Growing up I always had pets. They have been a huge part of my life and this is my way of giving back.

3. What do you love most about this field and working here at ACM? I love seeing all the puppies! Come in and seeing them grow and being able to help any pet in need.

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? I like to spend time with my husband and my two dogs.

5. What kind of animals do you have at home? Both of my dogs are rescues. Harper, a German Shepherd mix and Brodie who is Harper’s little brother, is also a Shepherd mix.

Hospital Sector


1. What is your primary role at ACM? Veterinary Technician

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field?
When I was in high school I went to the Agriculture and Biotechnology Program in Trumbull and instantly fell in love!

3. What do you love most about this field and working here at ACM?
I love the atmosphere working here at ACM. Everyone is so friendly and personable. I enjoy working with the more difficult patients that are “spicy” and the girl to call to make sure the patient and staff member are safe during restraint.

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)?
I enjoy hiking with my dogs, traveling, going to the gym, and getting my nails done!

5. What kind of animals do you have at home (names and breeds please)?
A Newfie named Laney, a Havanese Labradoodle named Sophie, and two cats named Herman and Evie.


1. What is your favorite thing about working at The Animal Clinic of Milford? The doctors and staff make you feel part of the family right from the beginning, and because of that, the clients place so much trust in our hands.

2. How long have you been in the veterinary industry? I started in 2016 in the field while in school, but before that, I was working as a dog trainer.

3. What is your primary role at Animal Clinic of Milford? I am a veterinary technician which allows you to learn so much every day because no appointment is the same.

4. What animals do you love to work with? As much as I enjoy working with small animals I really enjoy exotics more they are all completely different, I have worked with bearded dragons, bunnies, hamsters, snakes, and even koi fish.

5. What is your favorite animal? Growing up I had cats, hamsters, bearded dragon, fish, and many strays I would bring home even baby skunks I saved when they lost their parents, but my most favorite was my rat her name was Remy, rats are very intelligent creatures and every day I got to spend with her was always a great time.

6. What is your favorite to do in your spare time? When I cannot be outside I am always playing either Xbox or PS4, it is a way for me to relax otherwise I would love to be outside geocaching, but the best stress reliever has always been billiards.

7. What is your favorite part of your job as a veterinary technician? Getting to know the clients and their pets, finding ways to help them both and the relationship you have with them makes some of the longest days worth it.

8. When did you join Animal Clinic of Milford? I joined Animal Clinic Of Milford 2019


When did you start at ACM? Feb 2023.

1. What is your primary role at ACM? Tech Supervisor

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? Fresh out of high school I volunteered for a Pet Shelter in Hartford, Protectors of Animals, and subsequently got certified as a veterinary assistant. Helping the Shelter with their high volume of trap, neuter, release cases gave me a sobering glimpse of the veterinary field.

3 What do you love most about this field and working here at ACM?. I love the fast paced environment and sense of purpose that comes with the work, and ACM specifically shows genuine altruism through not only the quality of care but the endless rescue animals they save.

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? In my spare time I work on a small fixer upper brinch cape, and drive my neighbors away practicing saxophone.

5. What kind of animals do you have at home (names and breeds please) I have 3 cats. Seb: the three legged angel, and Jack and Oliver, 2 black goblins.


When did you start at ACM? Aug 23.

1. What is your primary role at ACM? Technician

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? During grand School, my program was rolled into the college of Vet Neel. I met many Vet Students + my Professor Wosa Dum, PHD as well.

3 What do you love most about this field and working here at ACM?. I love the fast paced nature of the job. I’m always on my feet, interacting with clients, I have such rewarding interacting with them!

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? I like to cook, practice instruments, play video games, learn new languages + paint miniatures.

5. What kind of animals do you have at home (names and breeds please) I have 1 cat, a DLH calico named Kiki or Keek for short.

6. Other (anything else you want to use for your bio?) My favorite Dinosaur is the largest land Predator in history, a T-Rex. What’s yours?


When did you start at ACM? Oct 2023.

1. What is your primary role at ACM? Vet Tech.

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? I first realized that working with animals was my true calling on family vacation to my fathers home country. Where I would see stray animals in heed. I wanted nothing more than to be the one to help them.

3 What do you love most about this field and working here at ACM?. My favorite part about working in this field is getting to meet so many different families and thier pets and seeing their dynamics, and also just being able to help and uniform owners on how to better care for their animals, and provide knowledge that is either confusing, or not easy to come by otherwise.

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? I usually spend my free time delving into fantasy TV shows | movies, hiking, cooking, or window shopping at the nearest Ikea.

5. What kind of animals do you have at home (names and breeds please) A Cane Corso | Pit mix named thunder and a micro bully mix named Hippo.

6. Other (anything else you want to use for your bio?) #AdoptOrShopResponsibly!


1. What is your primary role at ACM? Technician

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? I first became interested in the field in high school after taking an intro to veterinary science class, although I always wanted to pursue a career with animals.

3. What do you love most about this field working here at ACM? The best part about working in this field is that no day is the same and every case/patient provides a new opportunity to learn and help. Working at ACM has given me experiences and opportunities I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else.

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? My hobbies include playing sports with my friends, taking my dog Freya on hikes or to the beach and traveling.

5. What kind of animals do you have at home (name and breeds please)? I have 3 dogs. Freya, a Goldendoodle. Pearl, a Goldendoodle and Lulu, a Golden Retriever. I also have 4 cats; Drago, Rocky, Wilma and Tripod.

6. Other (anything else you want to use for your bio)? I am currently applying to Vet school.


1. What is your primary role at ACM? Veterinary Technician

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? I have always loved being around animals. A few years back I decided to leave my retail management job to fulfill my passion for animals

3. What do you love most about working at ACM? I really love much of a team player everyone I work with is and how easy it is to talk to everyone

4. What do you do for fun? I enjoy being outside. In the summer I like to paddle board and be near the water,and in the winter I’m usually cozied up around a bonfire

5. What type of pets do you have at home? I have an 8 year old tabby cat named Chloe,2 rabbits (Ash: 2 year old Netherland Dwarf, and Sonny:1 year old Rex), and 2 Crested Geckos named Mocha and Caramel

Front Desk Sector


1. When did you first become interested in veterinary medicine? I became a certified veterinary technician in 1981 while working at an emergency veterinary hospital in Long Island. I then moved to Connecticut in 1981 and went into banking.

2. What brought you back to the veterinary field? I missed working with animals and their owners.

3. When did you join Animal Clinic of Milford? I have been at Animal Clinic of Milford since 2009.

4. What is your primary roll at Animal Clinic of Milford? I am the head receptionist and client service representative here at the clinic.

5. What do you love the most about working at Animal Clinic of Milford? I love helping people and their beloved pets.

6. What kind of pets to you own? Our fur family consists of Monty a Sheltie, 2 Chihuahuas, and 3 cats that are all rescues.

7. If your pets could say one thing about you what would it be? Thank you for saving me


1. What is your primary role at Animal Clinic of Milford? I am the Client Care Representative here at Animal Clinic of Milford.

2. How long have your worked in the veterinary field? I’ve been working in the veterinary industry since 2012.

3. What kind of pets do you own? I have a dog Francesca, and two cats Pumpkin and Gomez.

4. If your pets could say one thing about you what would it be? “We love you but enough is enough with these little holiday sweaters”

5. What do you like best about working at Animal Clinic of Milford? I love how friendly and helpful our entire staff is with both our clients and with each other.

6. What is your favorite part about working with animals? My favorite part about working with animals would have to be seeing pets who were brought in sick or injured coming back to the clinic happy and feeling better, it warms you right up inside. Oh and of course puppies and kittens are a close second.

7. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? I love spending time with friends and family, especially my two sons, Jaxson and Dominic. They keep me very busy!

8. What is your favorite animal? I love all animals! They all have their own personalities and awesome qualities, it’s impossible to pick.


1. What is your primary role at ACM? Front Desk Representative

2. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? Ever since I was a little girl I have always loved being around animals. So I thought why not combine my love for animals and my personable attitude with people in one place!

3. What do you love most about this field and working here at ACM? I love being a part of a team whose passion is to help all kinds of animals. ACM is very family-oriented and I love that we have a rescue that so many people could take part in.

4. What do you do for fun (hobbies)? I am a director for a youth cheerleading program and I absolutely love it!

5. What kind of animals do you have at home (names and breeds please)? I have two dogs, both who are rescues. Hector is a 13 year old Boxer/Miniature greyhound mix and Finnegan is a 7 year old yorkie.


1.What is your primary role at ACM? Receptionist

2. What is your favorite animal? Although I love them all, my favorite animal would have to be cats. I remember rescuing stray cats around the neighborhood as a child and bringing them home, much to my parents’ surprise! I’ve always admired their independence, curiosity, and affectionate nature. They can be playful one moment and totally relaxed the next. Plus, their quirky personalities make them so unique. To this day, I still find myself drawn to their charm and grace.

3. What kind of animals do you have at home (names and breeds please)? I have one cat named Gustav, a Persian mix, and a betta fish named Frederick.

4. How long have you been in the veterinary industry? I have been in the vet industry for over 10 years, working in various roles in animal care. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless pets and their owners, learning something new with each case. My passion for animals and dedication to their well-being has only grown stronger over the years.

5. When did you become first interested in the veterinary field? I first became interested in the veterinary field as a child. Growing up, I was always drawn to animals, and I spent a lot of time caring for strays in my neighborhood. I realized early on how much I enjoyed helping them and wanted to pursue a career where I could make a difference in their lives every day.

Pet Hotel