Why is My Pet Biting and Scratching So Much?

Why is My Pet Biting and Scratching So MuchItchiness can be extremely frustrating for pets. Cats who are suffering will tend to lick themselves excessively, which leads to hair loss and irritation. Additionally, hair loss around the face and ears may indicate that they are scratching themselves to relieve the itch. Dogs commonly scratch themselves with their back paws or chew and lick the afflicted areas. When done in excess, hair loss, bleeding, and infection can occur.

If you notice your pet gnawing away at their skin, scratching themselves constantly, or unexplained hair loss or scabs, you should take them to your veterinarian to determine the cause and to prevent further damage. Take note of whether they are focusing on their whole body or on specific areas; this knowledge may help the veterinarian to determine the potential causes.

Itchiness in pets can be a result of a number of factors.

1. Allergies

Whether seasonal or chronic, allergies can be a source of itchiness. Your pet may inhale or eat an allergen, or they may come into physical contact with something that they are allergic to. Additionally, insects can inject allergy-causing substances into your pets. Skin trauma, inflammation, and infection can result along with symptoms such as rashes, scabs, ear infections, and scratching.

2. Fleas

A common cause of itchiness, fleas burrow into your pets fur and bite their skin. However, if your pet is allergic to fleas, these bites become much worse and result in allergic symptoms.

3. Infections

Bacterial, fungal, and yeast infections can also lead to itchiness. The scratching caused by allergies and fleas can leave your pets’ skin more prone to infection.

4. Other Conditions

Hyperthyroidism, autoimmune disease, and psychological or behavioral disorders can all be additional causes of itchiness.

Preventative care can help to ensure your pet’s health, and catch any problems before they develop into more substantial issues. There are several ways to prevent and combat itchiness.

    1. Use external preventative medicines if you live in an area that is prone to fleas. Ask your vet about which ones are right for your pet.
    2. Anti-Itch or other medicated shampoos may be helpful for your pet.
    3. Keeping your pet well-groomed can prevent matting and will allow your pet’s skin to breathe.

Visiting Animal Clinic of Milford when you first notice discomfort can save both you and your pet a lot of stress. They will help to determine the root of the issue as well as be able to prescribe treatments and other options.

A physical examination is an important part of any veterinary visit. Taking a look at the pet as a whole helps to find underlying causes, as well as locate the areas which are most heavily affected. Lesions, evidence of parasites, and signs of irritation will be assessed and evaluated.

Your vet may need to employ a series of tests to find the cause. Taking a look at your pet’s skin cells will help them to determine what is wrong on the surface level of your pet’s skin. They may also perform an allergy panel to determine what your pet may be reacting to.

Performing a biopsy or fungal culture may also be necessary if your vet suspects that one of these may be the issue.

Itchiness is a common reason that people take their pets to the vet. There are a multitude of causes, which is why it is so important to get any symptoms checked out right away! Your vet will be able to prescribe oral or topical medications, recommended dietary changes, or focus on any potential conditions that are associated with and exacerbating the itchiness.

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